The Norman Hibner Miller; DC Endowed Scholarship

An endowed scholarship awarded to students in the Doctor of Chiropractic program on the Davenport campus in their 4th trimester or above, have achieved a minimum 3.0 cGPA, and are 2nd generation or beyond students studying to become chiropractors. Qualified applicants must submit a one-page essay demonstrating their understanding of chiropractic philosophy as it applies to the intent to practice. The amount of the award will be a minimum of $900 with a maximum award amount being subject to the annual amount available, not to exceed the amount of one standard approved Academic term’s tuition. As available balances increase, multiple awards may be given at the discretion of College.

Donor Funded
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please include your response to "How does a subluxation and its removal work to get people well? (My understanding of chiropractic philosophy as it applies to my intent to practice)